I can’t believe I stumbled across this video of the 1999 Caedmon’s Call Guild Concert online.
I mean, wow, what a throwback.
Because here is the thing…
I was a senior in high school and I was at this concert!
It was in some barn, on a ranch somewhere outside of Austin. I drove in from Kerrville with one of my best friends from high school, Ben.
We sat about halfway back in the crowd. I still remember the cold hard ground and my legs falling asleep, we sat cross-legged for so long.
This concert was also where I was introduced to Andrew Peterson for the first time.
It ended late and we had a 2-hour drive ahead of us.
To stay awake we stopped at this conceive store and got Doritos and these giant bottles of Coke for the ride home.
It seems like it was yesterday, and a lifetime ago, all at once.