Hey. It’s Friday!
This week I read:
The Seven Decisions, Understanding the Keys to Personal Success
By: Andy Andrews
Thomas Nelson (May 13, 2014)
198 pages
This book is as straight-forward as the title. It’s great, but nearly everything Andy Andrews does is great. Check this book out if you are interested in exploring further seven daily decisions that have the power to alter your perspective and maybe change your life. If you have forgotten about it, The Noticer is a must-read book too. And here is a tip I have picked up. Don’t care so much about what the book is about. Find an author you love and read what they write, no matter the topic, it will rarely disappoint.
The Seven Decisions:
1 Don’t blame others. Take responsibility.
2 Seek wisdom from others, both past, and present.
3 Become a person of action.
4 Be decisive.
5 Choose to be happy.
6 Be forgiving.
7 Persist without exception.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“You, my friend, obviously already know that few things affect you like time alone with a good book, highlighter in hand. And the highlighter or pen is critical. We’re not sitting with the book in our hands, passively waiting for some profound words of wisdom to leap from the page; rather, we’re actively seeking wisdom. Even now, as you read these words, be on the lookout for something that will change everything. One idea has the power to transform your life forever, but you must first recognize it.”
“We all tend to forget the tough times. Children especially, I believe, sometimes see success as a “lucky lottery ticket” that one chances upon. And that is why I think it important to note that in my case, I was thirty-one years old. Thirty-one years of hearing no. Thirty-one long years before the acceptance began. Even in my darkest moments, I knew instinctively that my unyielding drive was my most valuable asset. Perseverance, my dear, will always be just as important as talent.” –Joan Rivers
Don’t miss the rest of this week’s posts:
Playing Cops And Robbers On The Al Gaim Compound
Most People Do Not Write, And They Survive
5 Things I Learned Reading: The Lotus And The Cross
Don’t Have Regret, About Regret
I hope you have a great weekend.