I know sleep is important, but I guess it did not occur to me, until I nearly hit burnout, how crucial one’s sleep routine is.
I won’t sugarcoat it.
Plain and simple, I have not been sleeping nearly enough and have no routine.
I am the worst version of myself about 50% of the time: short, grumpy, and ill-feeling.
My sleep begins when I collapse, and I get up when forced to.
My mistake, I think, is confusing needed sleep for needed margin.
I don’t need more downtime – I need a good night’s rest.
See: Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep
On the importance of routine, this passage jumped out:
It almost doesn’t matter what the problem is, the solution is often a consistent routine. Tell a sleep expert you’re not sleeping well, that’s what they’ll suggest. Tell a psychiatrist you’ve been feeling anxious, that’s what their first question will be. Tell a productivity guru your work output isn’t where you want it, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a dog trainer your dog is acting up, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a strength trainer you want to get stronger, tell an author you want to get better at writing, tell the Stoics you want to round out the day in a calmer, more tranquil state—a consistent routine will be the answer.
- Shower by 9.
- Phone down by 9:30.
- Read.
- Lights off at 10.
Tips: More of this, not less.