By: Donald Miller
Thomas Nelson; Expanded edition (May 24, 2010)
272 pages
In Searching For God Knows What, author Donald Miller invites us to love. He pleads that the Christian faith is not a list to be followed or a set of morals to be checked. He says the Christian faith is an invitation to know God, an invite, if you will, to join the greatest love story of all time. Christianity is about a relationship. It is about fellowship. It is about love. He could not be more right.
Two of my favorite quotes:
And that is the thing about life. You go walking along, thinking people are talking a language and exchanging ideas, but the whole time there is this deeper language people are really talking, and that language has nothing to do with ethics, fashion, or politics, but what it really has to do with is feeling important and valuable. What if the economy we are really dealing in life, what if the language we are really speaking in life, what if what we really want in life is relational?
I began to wonder if becoming a Christian did not work more like falling in love than agreeing with a list of true principles. I had met a lot of people who agreed with all those true principles, and they were jerks, and a lot of other people who believed in those principles, but who also claimed to love Jesus, who were not jerks. It seems like something else has to take place in the heart for somebody to become a believer, for somebody to understand the gospel of Jesus. It began to seem like more than just a cerebral exercise. What if the gospel of Jesus was an invitation to know God?