Love this post via Tim Stoddart.
If you don’t know – see – most of art is a numbers game.
I’m not joking though.
Art is literally this awful loop where the creator gets an idea, makes something, and then looks to see if anyone else will care.
Discover Idea > Make Art With Idea > Share Art
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
You have guaranteed the outcome, if you never share what you created, right?
Nobody knows you exist, and nobody will ever see what you have done.
But if you do share your art – well then – you just never know what might happen.
Stoddart says:
What will happen if you don’t publish your work at all?
The answer: Nothing.
It’s the dream of every creative to be recognized for our good work, but in order to make that happen, we first need to be recognized for our bad work.
So hit publish.