Dolphins by the boat
Sea mist of a shallow bay
Captain Dan guides us
recovering economist
Dolphins by the boat
Sea mist of a shallow bay
Captain Dan guides us
This is such a great piece of advice. The beginning and end of it is that: You pick your daughter up when she asks. Period.
I am good about this most of the time.
But sometimes I am tired. Sometimes I have a headache. And sometimes I feel like I just need a second.
This all hit home when I read this piece on Parents.com titled: I Always Say ‘Yes’ When My Daughter Asks to Be Picked Up—Here’s Why
In my favorite passage, Matthew Dicks says:
I also have a torn ligament in my left foot. Still, when she asks, I always do.
I lift her as the light filters in through the back windows. She wraps her hands around my neck and squeezes. Eventually my foot throbs, and my arms ache with fatigue. So I move to put her down. In response, she jams her face into the crook of my neck and whispers, “It’s just so nice to be held like this.”
I freeze. It occurs to me—for the very first time—that I am the only person in Clara’s life who can still hold her so close for so long. She’s too big for my wife to lift her. Too heavy for her grandparents. She’s nearly as tall as her uncle. In the yellow glow of the morning, I realize that I’m the last person who will ever hold my little girl like a little girl.
For our beautiful girls, the time slips quietly away.
It slips quietly away for all of us.
And it breaks our hearts with beauty as it moves.
Dear God, I am so thankful that this is not the end.