One thousand poems
Who can say what sticks or not
That is what I’ll do
recovering economist
One thousand poems
Who can say what sticks or not
That is what I’ll do
So what is the best daily routine?
It kind of depends on your likes and dislikes doesn’t it?
But I stumbled across a post by Austin Kleon titled The Ideal Routine where he points to the writing routine of Ursula K. Le Guin.
Her routine is this:
5:30 a.m. – wake up and lie there and think.
6:15 a.m. – get up and eat breakfast (lots).
7:15 a.m. – get to work writing, writing, writing.
Noon – lunch.
3:00-5:00 p.m. – correspondence, maybe house cleaning.
5:00-8:00 p.m. – make dinner and eat it.
After 8:00 p.m. – I tend to be very stupid and we won’t talk about this.
To me, that sounds about as good as it gets.
For I would simply love the portion of the day not focused on family to be nothing but reading and writing and quiet thinking.
But life is always more than that, isn’t it?
The car’s oil needs changed, something needs to be returned to the store, and the clean socks need to be put away.
As I have gotten older though, I appreciate the rhythm and routine of the simple daily chores that are required of us.
There is something peaceful and relaxing about laundry, picking up the house, and doing dishes as the children come and go, playing in their own imaginary little worlds.
And if you can find some relaxing music too, well, you can nearly touch brilliance in the thick of it all.
Enjoy it though. No matter the routine you are in today
Because you don’t even realize it, but being alive right now is one of the rarest and most beautiful things you can imagine.
For you are precious beyond imagination.
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A day in the life of a trend-following trader
The most appealing daily schedule