A highly specialized life is the life I want too.
Don’t we all?
I want more reading/writing/thinking – and total freedom.
Sounds about as good as it gets.
What life do you want to make?
Understand: You have to keep a tight schedule though.
So, in that time, people such as myself settled for graduate school. Though thousands took this path, graduate school never became a popular subject for fiction. There’s Philip Roth’s Letting Go, my own Moving On, and that’s about it. At the time I don’t think I realized that I was living a highly specialized life, a life which mainly just required me to read. I was friendly with the new purists of the Cope faction but I was more comfortable with old-fashioned scholars such as Alan McKillop and Will Dowden.
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)
As a side note, I get why there is little fiction about graduate school.
I mean, where is the conflict? And who wants to read about someone else’s leisure time?
Cowboy novels and spy novels are much more compelling.