Life is
incredibly precious and serious.
Yet – yet – I enjoy it more when I don’t take it that way.
Relax today.
Sleep in.
Lay on the couch after your coffee.
Have a donut. Have four.
Go for a long walk.
Sit in the front yard and drink a cold water.
Chill out.
Do nothing this afternoon.
Drink a lemonade.
Let the kids have ice cream.
Shrug at the drink they spill.
Go for a picnic under a shade tree and stretch out in the grass.
Bring a book. Bring a magazine.
Take a nap.
Take the long way home.
Stop at the playground.
And then take the family out for dinner.
Go look at the stars.
Stay up late watching movies.
Let your youngest sleep in your bed when she has a nightmare.
Love the moment.
Don’t blink.