Newsflash, young people, you don’t get a firmer body with age.
In fact, it gets harder and harder to stay in shape.
Surprising, I know.
But the good news is this: It turns out, that’s ok.
You are not your deteriorating body.
And your meaning does not have to come from your appearance.
Let’s be encouraged.
And be thankful that we have more.
Over the years, my body has not gotten firmer. Just the opposite in fact. But when I feel fattest and flabbiest and most repulsive, I try to remember that gravity speaks; also, that no one needs that plastic-body perfection from women of age and substance. Also, that I do not live in my thighs or in my droopy butt. I live in joy and motion and cover-ups. I live in the nourishment of food and the sun and the warmth of the people who love me.
-Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies