1. With fundamental analysis, you don’t know if you were right, or wrong.
Ok. You made a million dollars trading or investing. Are you a genius? Are you better than everyone else? Or, were you just lucky. With fundamental analysis, it’s hard to tell. You might be the smartest person in the world. And you might be the law of large numbers.
2. With fundamental analysis, there is too much to follow.
I love to read. But I do not like to feel like I have to keep up with everything. There is a difference between reading what you want, and being forced to keep up with that which you do not care about. Why do you follow everything? Does the market chatter help?
3. Technical Trading is easier.
Call me lazy, but tuning out nearly all information is easier than trying to include all information. Let’s be lazy together. Follow your rules. Stick to your stops. Sounds easy to me. Prediction can be stupid simple if you let it.