We never wear formal attire on Sunday (church) anymore, do we?
I know I don’t.
And this was certainly not what I was taught growing up. You too?
I mean, people used to dress up when they went to church.
But this is all another way of saying: People used to dress up.
Now we wear our khakis and fleece vests to work, and save our polo shirts and blue jeans for the sanctuary.
I honestly think it has less to do with religion and church than it has to do with the simple fact that people no longer care about looking put together.
They looked sharper in the soup lines of the 1930’s than we do today…
(Don’t listen to me either, all I wear is blue jeans and a black Patagonia fleece.)
Understand: The way we look influences others, even if you don’t want it to. For appearance matters.
People used to wear ordinary clothes on weekdays and formal attire on Sunday. Today it is the exact reverse.
-Nassim Taleb, The Bed Of Procrustes