“The Greatest Generation” was not the greatest generation.
Why? Well. They were not, overall, great parents.
I think the reason for this was because of the times, and a little bit of PTSD.
See, the greatest generation raised a group of sniffling awful little kids who became the baby boomers.
The baby boomers are a mess. They are still wringing their hands at their own self-importance, robbing their grandchildren to benefit their own retirement, and creating their own crises in the face of the greatest global prosperity ever known.
They have additionally presided over the rejection of the ethical foundations of western culture. This apostasy is eulogized in The Year of Our Lord 1943, By: Alan Jacobs.
The finest generation was in fact the parents of the people we think of as “The Greatest Generation.”
Because they got the parenting right, too.
Makes me remember my grandfather and all of the crazy things he went through in WW2.
His name was John.
But I bear the name of his father, Sterling.
Jones got down on one knee as he continued. “I’m thinking that the real heroes of the greatest generation must have been the parents and grandparents who produced them for us. Think! Who raised that generation? Whose standard shaped and molded them as children to become the adults whom society still agrees, decades later, is the greatest representation of humanity ever attained?
-Andy Andrews, The Noticer Returns