A great reason to use Evernote is obvious: Evernote really can store everything.
A second reason to get behind Evernote in a big way is because Evernote is such a great research tool.
Relevant text can be sorted, categorized, and tagged by topic to make organization a snap.
For instance, I never just read a book. I codify everything I read into digestible bites of information.
Books I read are summarized and quoted, then broken down into topics and later sorted by tagging.
I can later find any quote by either the book title, the author, the topic – or, all three.
For the benefits of a system like this, read about keeping a “Commonplace Book,” here.
Unfortunately, I probably have 300 – 400 books that I will never re-read and, consequently, will never make it into Evernote.
What I would have done for Evernote when I was 18…
All of this makes me think how useful this system would be for a dissertation.
If you did a dissertation or thesis, 20 years ago, can you imagine how much more easy organizing, formatting, and annotating would be now?
For example, the Evernote web clipper can be a miracle worker for most of us that predominately work online.
On top of the standard functionality, Evernote can be made to sync with:
And nearly everything else.
The kicker is that everything in Evernote is searchable.
Can’t remember who you interviewed, what you quoted, or where you put that source’s contact information?
Make sure everything is in Evernote, just click in the search bar and type away.
My advice: Give Evernote a try.
It will revolutionize the way you organize both your business and personal life.