Is writing that inspires a prurient interest immoral?
In some cases, I would say that it might be unethical.
But I am going to give travel and food writing a complete pass on this.
For denying such would allow none of us to enjoy the voyeurism of places we will never go and food we will never eat.
Even if I never went back to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, I still want to enjoy the pictures and read the travel books.
For your envy, Lauterbrunnen is pictured above.
But writing about sights and sounds and flavors that might otherwise be described as orgiastic—and doing it in a way that is calculated to inspire prurient interest, lust, and envy in others … that raises more questions in my mind as to… I don’t know … the moral dimension. Sitting here, choosing words, letter by letter, on the keyboard with the explicit intention of telling you about something I did or something I ate and making you as hungry and miserable as I can—surely that’s wrong.
-Anthony Bourdain, Medium Raw