If you have ever considered packing guns to avoid suspicion, you were probably born in a different time than I.
I mean, can you imagine today?
Hunting and fishing are just not as common as they once were.
Of course, if it’s clear you were hunting, maybe most people would still give you a pass?
Next, I was told that a stranger’s purpose in moving about the country might cause inquiry or even suspicion. For this reason I racked a shotgun, two rifles, and a couple of fishing rods in my truck, for it is my experience that if a man is going hunting or fishing his purpose is understood and even applauded. Actually, my hunting days are over. I no longer kill or catch anything I cannot get into a frying pan; I am too old for sport killing. This stage setting turned out to be unnecessary.
-John Steinbeck, Travels With Charley In Search Of America