Small risks are better than big ones.
There, I said it.
Sure, everyone wants a big bet with a big payoff than wins the day.
But his is thinking about the wrong thing in the correct way.
Generally, people want to go all in on one thing.
They quit their job to do X full-time, they invest 100 percent of their money in Y.
This is misguided.
While looking for a big payoff – which is what we all want – we should want to create as many possibilities as we can to bring this to fruition.
Don’t start one business and force it. Start 20 businesses to see which one sticks.
Don’t pray for a viral post to come along. Build and test on 5,000 decent posts.
Does that make sense?
In this way, investing and art are the same.
Sometimes, it’s not the big bets that pay off but the small ones that get you the big win. If you don’t have to go all in, don’t. Why not start with a smaller risk? Most significant change begins with a simple step, not a giant leap. You don’t need to see the whole path to know what your next move is; you just need to take the next, right risk. Small changes over time can lead to massive transformation.
-Jeff Goins, Real Artists Don’t Starve