I think we underestimate the power in leaving others feeling like they have been treated well.
In our daily lives, in our work, and in our friendships…
But how bad is it that a business (and people) with over the top empathy and service and kindness, stands out so much.
Seems like an opportunity for those willing to step into it.
We have this sign in our living room that says: “If you can be anything, be kind.”
“People want to be treated well. They’ve come not to expect it, but they’d still like for it to happen. I decided years ago that no one would ever be treated or welcomed or honored anywhere or by anyone better than they would be treated when they ran into me, whether I was ‘on the job’ or not. This wasn’t even necessarily a business thing. It was a life decision for me that turned into a business asset.”
-Andy Andrews, The Noticer Returns