If you are interested in wealth, this is how your cash flow should look.
I mean, I guess you could pick whichever example you want to follow…
But only one of these is going to let you separate time worked from money earned.
(This is the same for businesses too – not just personal finance.)
From a job with a paycheck, the only way out is to invest your salary into assets as quickly as possible (like this).
Said different, how much would you
continue to earn once you quit your salaried job?
I got to talking about all of this with my wife.
We were comparing how we were both raised in terms of financial literacy and which of these mindsets was natural to us. Soon we were comparing friends and family and looking at the shifts between generations.
It’s all odd because if you grow up with one of these mentalities, you assume everyone else behaves the same as you.
We have no idea how much our parents shaped us, do we?
And it’s true. You can’t unsee it once you do.
Understand: This is the same for businesses too – not just personal finance.