By: Mike Leach And Buddy Levy
Gallery Books; First Edition edition (May 6, 2014)
304 pages
I have a hard time speaking impartially about this book. See, I went to Texas Tech. Texas Tech even gave me a degree. Twice. And Mike Leach began coaching the Texas Tech football team at the end of my freshman year. I’ll just say this: Mike Leach is my all-time favorite Texas Tech football coach. One of the things everyone loved about Leach was his eclectic set of interests. Ask him a question about football and at the end of his answer he might be talking about sharks, pirates, or the law. This book is an outgrowth of that. None of Leach’s fans were surprised when they heard he co-wrote a history book about Geronimo. Of course he did. Leach and Levy did a great job here. The commentary and lessons laced throughout the text remind me of Robert Greene’s, The 48 Laws Of Power.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“Miles found Geronimo impressive: ‘He was one of the brightest, most resolute, determined-looking men that I have ever encountered. He had the clearest, sharpest, dark eyes that I think I have ever seen…Every moment indicated power, energy, and determination. In everything he had a purpose.'”
“Geronimo’s final years represented how he lived his entire life. He was a devoted husband, father, and family man; he fought for the rights of his people, he was defiant and competitive and independent. He pursued spiritual questions and answers to the end.”