The greatest threat to humanity might be the ability to believe anything?
This is because a nation can recover from a bad leader.
We can fight a war and take down a Hitler.
Tax rates can be changed. Buildings can be rebuilt.
Most nations can vote incompetent and miserable people out of office.
But what can be done when the entire population of a nation, or dozens of nations, or – heaven forbid – all nation, follows a lie?
Forget an evil leader, what recourse is there when all of the people are evil too?
I am resisting an urge to point out an example of this.
But you can fill in the holes with what you will…
WITH ALL WE now know, does anyone believe that telling the truth will solve all a nation’s problems? Of course not. But it is a beginning. In fact, speaking truth should be the least we require of our elected leaders! After all, what are our standards for being led? You see, the danger to America is not a single politician with ill intent. Or even a group of them. The most dangerous thing any nation faces is a citizenry capable of trusting a liar to lead them. In the long run, it is much easier to undo the policies of crooked leadership than to restore common sense and wisdom to a deceived population willing to elect such a leader in the first place. Any country can survive having chosen a fool as their leader. But history has shown time and again that a nation of fools is surely doomed.
-Andy Andrews, How Do You Kill 11 Million People?