1. For a family, two cars are better than one. #firstworldproblems
2. I wrote a poem about cotton. Even the idea of that makes me laugh.
3. It is not always easy to have a random thought.
5. “Devotion to self-education is unquestionably one of the marks of an exceptional man. Passive men wait for knowledge to come to them. Weak men assume what they need to know will seek them out. Men of great character and drive search out the knowledge they need. They take responsibility for knowing what they must know to live effectively in their generation and to prosper. I know this sounds old school. I know this sounds like a lesson meant for the barefoot boy born in a dirt-floor cabin in the 1800s. I assure you it is a lesson for men today. In fact, it may prove to be one of the most important lessons for men today.”
-Steven Mansfield, Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men (Amazon)