1. Come on, people. Stop holding onto losing trades. Learn to let them go.
2. Why do children fight sleep so much? It’s wonderful.
3. And why are children so thirsty at bedtime?
4. I heard mules can live 30 – 50 years. Dogs should be like that, too.
5. I want my user friendly iPhone, with the security and feel of a Blackberry, and the range of the old bag phones that you use to plug into your cigarette lighter.
6. Everyone has a world philosophy. Even if they don’t realize it.
7. I have switched from Advil to Aspirin. Apparently some NASID’s can be bad, and Aspirin is a wonder-drug.
8. Companies can be so stupid. It is infinitely more expensive to hire and train a new employee than it is to retain an old one. Give your employees a 5% – 6% annual raise before they go somewhere else. These 1% – 3% annual raises have got to stop.
9. 95% of what you are worked up over will not matter to you in 12 months. Calm down.
10. Rich and wealthy are two different things. Rich is just a high income. Wealth is security. You can be wealthy at an income of $40,000, if your expenses are $20,000. An income of $5,000,000 is pointless if expenses are $5,000,001. It’s all relative.