I have said before that I like to keep things simple.
And this quote by Shauna Niequist resonates.
See: Simplicity cuts out that which distracts.
It prioritizes your energy on the things that matter to you.
My biggest distractions these days are probably movies and social media. But isn’t that the case for everyone?
Another benefit of less sometimes goes unsaid.
Simplicity in the areas of your life that don’t matter, allows you to focus on the areas of your life that do matter.
All I want is more quiet time, more family, more reading, more writing – and at this point in life, more sleep.
What do you want?
I’m able to give more focused attention on the higher-stakes decisions in my life—the ones about parenting, marriage, friendship—when I don’t have to think hard about what to wear or how to manage all my stuff. The ambient noise of my life gets quieter when there’s less stuff in my life, and fewer decisions to make about that stuff. And in the newfound silences is space for connection, rest, listening, learning.
–Shauna Niequist, Present Over Perfect