Naval on brevity is exactly where I come down too.
Clarity matters.
It’s as simple as that.
recovering economist
Naval on brevity is exactly where I come down too.
Clarity matters.
It’s as simple as that.
To maximize distribution, minimize the message.
— Naval (@naval) October 5, 2019
• Books -> blog posts
• Podcasts -> snippets
• Blog posts -> tweetstorms
• Use stand-alone tweets in tweetstorms
• Tweet sparingly – high signal, low noise
Readers have options – respect their time.
I stumbled across this short-film documentary: The Simplicity Of Happiness,
I liked the way he puts it: Be the answer to a need.
Of course, I think, the whole idea of living a selfless life is a profoundly religious idea.
Maybe, just maybe, you are chasing after the wrong thing?
Maybe less is more.
Take a look.