Are you too tired to talk?
Yeah – me too.
There is even a running morning joke around here about Coffee = Silence.
And after a full day at work? I am definitely not up for a lot of talking then.
But you might want to rethink all that.
We might want to rethink it.
Heck – typing this feels like the biggest form of hypocrisy I can muster.
But be mindful of that little precious girl trying to get your attention.
She is beautiful and perfect – and soon – she won’t be asking for your attention nearly as much.
Females of all ages tend to interpret masculine silence as evidence of rejection. Based on this understanding, the best thing dads can do to connect with their daughters is to talk to them about whatever is of interest. Ask questions and then listen carefully to what is said in return. This interaction helps to produce the affirmation I have been describing. Meaningful and affectionate dialogue with a daughter is evidence that she is worthy, secure, and loved. Those beneficial effects can be achieved so easily through simple, genuine conversation.
–Dr. James Dobson, Bringing Up Girls