[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
Associating ideas together works.
It is important to remember, however, that it works – over time.
I can’t call you stupid and suddenly the status quo is that people see you as stupid.
For if you drive a Mercedes-Benz day after day, people will start to see you as sophisticated or wealthy.
And if you wear a T-shirt to work all the time, others will see you as sloppy or unprofessional.
I see this concept as another way of creating a mental anchor for people.
The point here is that association matters – and one should be cautious about their associations.
They tend to stick, after all.
PERSUASION TIP 21: When you associate any two ideas or images, people’s emotional reaction to them will start to merge over time.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly