Capable and independent children are not
They are made.
It’s about their environment, of course, but specifically, it’s mostly about supportive, and loving, parents.
The impact, both negative and positive, that a parent can have in the life of their child is so enormous I have trouble wrapping my head around it all.
Parents are capable of giving their child an environment to flourish and grow – or they can literally destroy their lives.
I try to give freedom to fail and learn with the inconsequential.
So that later, they are equipped to face more serious consequences as adults.
And yes, feed their curiosities and aptitudes too.
You’ve got to fail, or risk failure, to learn, to succeed. You’ve got to be hungry. It seems to me the job for parents is to console the failure but nurture the hunger. That’s how you create independence in children, give them the tools they need to be functioning adults.
-Bryan Cranston, A Life In Parts