We are all part of a transformational journey, aren’t we?
The journey of our lives.
See, while change is kind of the point of a story, it’s also kind of the point of life too.
A stoic might call this change “practical improvment” or “moral betterment.”
A Christian, in the context of knowing, calls it “sanctification.”
You don’t get to decide where you come from, but you do get to decide what you become.
I hope you change into something great.
Shakespeare was right—a person’s life is made up of many acts. As a book writer, though, I prefer to see these acts as chapters. If you look back on your life, you’ll likely see them too. There is the chapter when you grew up poor and the chapter when you began to understand the importance of relationships. There is the chapter when you realized you were good at math or sports, and there was the chapter when you left home to start out on your own. No two lives are the same, and yet we share common chapters. Every human being is on a transformational journey.
-Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand