So many of us intent to write, don’t we?
We think about it. We talk about it.
We plan it.
We look for the perfect notebook. We search and search for the perfect WordPress theme. Perfect fonts, perfect colors.
All of that can be important, sure.
But all of these things should be secondary.
For 99%, execution is the hurdle that must be overcome. And it has to be overcome daily.
Can you click publish? Can you do it consistently?
Do you have what it takes to keep going day after day?
It’s possible that it’s harder than you would think.
(Steven Pressfield said all of this better here.)
People like to tell my very successful friend that they, too, intend to write some books. He always answers, with big eyes and a ghoulish smile, How hard could it be?
-Sarah Manguso, 300 Arguments (Amazon)