Great insight here by Jason Kottke on blogging and writing.
Of course, like nearly all other people with some level of success, Kottke circles back to grit.
In short: Persist without exception.
Crazy how uncommon it is for people to simply be willing to sit down and do the work.
Yeah, I think a lot of what you see in overnight successes is really people who have been working nose to the grindstone for a while and all of a sudden everybody notices. It’s either they do it long enough, or they hit upon a bit of a wrinkle that makes people go, “Oh!”
I think it’s really underrated to just do something, put your ass in the seat and just do it, and do it day after day after day after day.
That’s a really underrated approach: just do the work and wait for the luck to happen. It might never happen for you. There are a lot of things that go into getting lucky that are completely out of your control, and some people have privilege and some people start with literally nothing. It’s such a crap shoot, but I feel like if you keep at it for several years, something is gonna give eventually.