Yeah, it’s like I said before, the bitter sweet road of parenting is that you put in all that work and love…
You put in all that work and love – and they leave you!
I get it.
It’s beautiful that this life and it’s seasons do not last forever.
But can they be a little bit prolonged, please?
I just know that when the time comes, I will just miss the season of first steps, princess parties, and tiny feet funning through this house.
Sitting front row for it all has been one of the great joys of my life.
Understand: The poet William Wordsworth knows where our hope lays.
It’s a bittersweet road we parents travel. We start with total commitment to a small, helpless human being. Over the years we worry, plan, comfort, and try to understand. We give our love, our labor, our knowledge, and our experience—so that one day he or she will have the inner strength and confidence to leave us.
-Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (Amazon)