Ego’s last stand has got to be art.
See, so many alow the subjective opinions of loved ones and strangers hold them back.
It’s true if you want to write, paint, take pictures, play music, sculpt, or shoot videos…
Fear – plain and simple.
Fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of failure.
Being creative, and then sharing what you have done, can be too big of a mountain for some.
Understand: Art – professional art – is not made in a vacuum.
I have done a little public speaking here and there (work and school) and I do have to say that there is little veneer to hide behind.
I mean, why do you think I am here typing…
Enjoyment while performing was rare—enjoyment would have been an indulgent loss of focus that comedy cannot afford. After the shows, however, I experienced long hours of elation or misery depending on how the show went, because doing comedy alone onstage is the ego’s last stand.
-Steve Martin, Born Standing Up (Amazon)