I don’t know if I am getting older and simply grumpy or what is going on, but I am sick of the in-between of awful driving speeds wherever I go.
The road I take home daily has this long stretch where the speed limit is 60 mph.
I try to keep it between 60 and 62.
But the truth of this road is that if I am not driving between 65 and 70, I will get run over.
People swerve around me constantly.
Driving on the interstate is another example annoying speeds.
The speed limit is 70 and I set the cruise control to 72.
But everyone in the right lane is driving 65 mph, and now I am the one swerving around people.
(My theory is that many of them are on the clock and prefer to spend more time in the car than “working.”)
So, I go to pass them.
But now I am in the left lane.
And, if you haven’t been in the left lane on the interstate in a while, let me fill you in.
You have to be going 80 freaking miles per hour to not create a traffic problem.
It is non-stop breaking, changing lanes, accelerating, and turning the cruise control on and off.
I am constantly irritated.
Do you feel it too?
Give me a desolate country road to the horizon with no other cars in sight, please, and thank you.