Because this is how I did it, and I have learned a thing or two over the years.
Here are 15 simple ideas on how to date without social media:
- Study in the library, instead of at home alone.**
- Ask people in class if they want to study together.
- Go to church.
- Go to Sunday School.
- Get a dog and take it for walks at a popular park.
- Take up a sport.
- Give out compliments.
- Eat out more.
- Ask other people to go to lunch.
- Take a language class.
- Volunteer.
- Be friendly to everyone you see.
- Smile at everyone you see.
- Ask people questions about themselves.
- Build real relationships!
**I have a crazy story about this first one that you can pass on and use.
I knew a lady whose daughter went off to college at 18 but knew, even then, that she did not want to work.
She said she wanted to stay home and be a mom.
To do this she obviously needed to find a husband with money.
So her mom gave her one piece of advice:
When you study, study in the library at the law school.
Long story short, the girl married an attorney and got the life she wanted.
But it’s genius if you think about it…
The only other people studying at the law school library are (likely) soon to be lawyers.
They have all finished college. And they got good enough grades in college/did well enough on the LSAT to get into law school.
1/3 will be lawyers in a year. 1/3 will be lawyers in 2 years. And 1/3 are in their first year of law school.
It’s quite a filter on a future spouse!