Five syllables here
Now seven syllables here
And five more to close
recovering economist
Five syllables here
Now seven syllables here
And five more to close
If you get the chance, go by Mary’s Cafe in Strawn Texas.
I made it a point to stop a few weeks ago on the way to DFW, and it was well worth the three and a half mile drive north of Interstate 20.
But here’s the thing:
You don’t go to Mary’s Cafe in search of the best chicken fried steak.
There are notable chicken fried steaks all over the country.
You go because Mary’s chicken fried steak tastes like you wish your grandma’s taste – were she a better cook.
You go for the experience.
You go because the place is a throwback to 1987 that smells of Newport cigarettes and cheap linoleum.
You go for the waitress that razzes you, even though you are a stranger.
You go because it feels like a 51 year old Larry McMurtry could walk through the front door with a friend at any moment.
If you want my advice, order your chicken fried steak with the fresh cut french fries when you get there.
Find Mary’s Cafe in Strawn Texas at:
119 Grant Ave., Strawn, TX, 76475
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