How Much Does A Scriptwriter Get Paid?
The Hardest Part Of Screenwriting
Thinking, Fast and Slow, By: Daniel Kahneman
Movies About Hollywood Never Make Money?
recovering economist
How Much Does A Scriptwriter Get Paid?
The Hardest Part Of Screenwriting
Thinking, Fast and Slow, By: Daniel Kahneman
Movies About Hollywood Never Make Money?
How Shiny Dime Writing Can Focus You
So, how much does a scriptwriter get paid?
The answer is a lot.
And this was in the 80’s!
Can you imagine today?
You might work alone. Maybe with a writing partner. But turning out a screenplay every six months or so for $250,000 a pop…
I mean, call me.
Heck, I’ll take a stab at one for $100,000.
The goal is writing – getting paid for it is the icing.
IN THE MID to late 80s I was very active as a scriptwriter; I got job after job, mainly because I priced myself at the low end of the market. I’d ask for a simple $ 250,000 and get it easily. I would do the traditional two drafts and a polish and trot right along to the next job.
-Larry McMurtry, Hollywood (Amazon)