Maybe it is true that most good novels are written around middle age?
- Hemingway wrote Old Man And the Sea at 53.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote The Brothers Karamazov at 59.
- Andy And Andrews wrote The Noticer at 50.
You have enough experience to be at the top of your game – but you have not run out of all your good ideas yet.
I need about 100 more examples of bestselling books to fully convince me, but it sounds right.
Once the new century got underway I began mostly to occupy myself with nonfiction. This is in accordance with my long held belief that age doesn’t favor the novelist. The poet Richard Howard and many others ridicule this point, but I remain wedded to it. There are, of course, exceptions—in the arts as in life there are exceptions. But, in the main, fiction’s greatest achievements were made by the middle-aged.
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)