I can’t say that I have been to Tenderloin, San Francisco – but I am unsure.
I think I have driven right past it, or thru it without realizing it when I spent a day in SF some years ago.
We drove in from Lake Tahoe in the morning and spent all afternoon exploring the city.
We hit up Pier 39, Lombard Street, and Ike’s Sandwiches, and drove over the Golden Gate Bridge.
Tenderloin sounds beautiful though. 🤣
I’d come to Silicon Valley in 2000 and ended up living in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. It’s the one part of the city that locals will implore you to avoid. Without trying very hard, you can find someone pulling down his pants and pooping in between parked cars or encounter some deranged sort bashing his head into the side of a bus stop.
-Ashley Vance, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Amazon)