I might add that in addition to the fact that you write what you’ve read, you also write what you’ve lived.
It’s true.
Enough studying and reading about economics, and I find the topic impossible to avoid.
Add to that the fact that it’s nearly impossible to remove your experience from your viewpoint – and you get this blog – an eclectic bag of books, cowboys, Saudi Arabia, economics, and rebellion.
McMurtry’s work is the same way with tales of cowboys, books, Hollywood, academia, and small towns.
Understand: Rereading books can be a special thing.
I could give several answers to that question but the simplest is that you write what you’ve read, to a large degree—and, just as importantly, you write what you will someday reread. I am now entering the time of rereading and am assembling the one hundred books or so that I keep with me to reread as long as I’m here.
-Larry McMurtry, Literary Life (Amazon)