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July-16 is at: 64.28 Volume = 13,718
Mar-17 is at: 64.13 Volume =1,287
Current India Balance Sheet (2015/2016)
recovering economist
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Anything You Want is maybe the best business book I have ever read. I had never heard of Derek Sivers until he was interviewed by Tim Ferriss. I wish I had heard of him sooner. But he was the guy behind CD Baby – if your remember that. Who is Derek Sivers? He is a musician turned programmer/entrepreneur. He built a huge business, almost on accident. And then gave it all away? Who does this? Derek Sivers does.
Two of my favorite quotes:
Don’t be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, full of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams. You need to know your personal philosophy of what makes you happy and what’s worth doing.
There’s a big difference between being self-employed and being a business owner. Being self-employed feels like freedom until you realize that if you take time off, your business crumbles. To be a true business owner, make it so that you could leave for a year, and when you came back, your business would be doing better than when you left.