I liked this story about Disney windows.
And I had no idea this was the case.
I’ll have to stop and look the next time I go to California.
Make no mistake. How important I think it is to celebrate our victories – even our small ones.
This, of course, also made me want to ask: What are you building?
There’s a tradition at Disney most people don’t know about. The windows in the second-story shops are dedicated to people who helped build the kingdom there. At Disneyland in Southern California, I found a window across from the Jungle Cruise for a guy named Harper Goff. He’s not related to me at all, but that’s not what I tell the people who sell tickets to get in. The window says, “Prof. Harper Goff—Banjo Lessons.” But banjo isn’t what he’ll be remembered for. You see, Harper Goff has a window at Disneyland because he helped build a kingdom there.
-Bob Goff, Everybody Always (Amazon)