It’s good career advice to “behave as though.”
If you want to be a writer, for example – behave as though.
This is true if you want to be an investor, a software developer, or an artist.
You act as though you already were.
It will allow you to put in the practice you need to improve, and it will develop the muscle memory and discipline you need to stay with it.
Honestly, I’m just writing to myself here…
I mean, what do you think I’m doing right now?
I can’t say that I learned much in the class, but it did give me a reason to start writing every day, one or two hours in the morning. Writers write, and professional writers must develop the habit of writing in a disciplined manner. And so it was that, without fanfare, I made the decision to behave as though I were actually a writer.
-John Erickson, Story Craft (Amazon)