Is there a sadness to movie sets?
This passage stood out because I read something once about the sadness of the carnival
– all of the time – but particularly in the daytime.
I think it’s something about the fake and temporary nature of it all.
Come to think of it, I find that the temporary nature of this life brings a certain sadness with it too.
Hope, and this awesome family…
There’s an innate sadness on movie sets that I never fail to register. It could be, I suppose, that the sadness is in me and is merely intensified by the temporariness of a movie set, the muddle, the flimsy-seeming nature of everything that’s happening. People from many places, from homes that are stable and happy, enter a kind of purgatory, in which home rules don’t apply, and where, for maybe sixty days, they joust with shadows, only a few of which you will be responsible for. The set life is composed of loneliness and muddle, relieved only now and then by flashes of brilliant work by an actor, a cameraman, a member of the crew.