256 pages
Why do we perform for others? Why are we not our true selves? What pain are we trying to hide? And what does it say about ourselves and others that we feel compelled to hide that true nature? Let Donald Miller tell you a story or two about these issues. Watch him drop his act. Maybe you will want to do the same.
Two of my favorite quotes:
The more fully we live into ourselves, the more impact we will have. Acting may get us the applause we want, but taking a risk on being ourselves is the only path toward true intimacy. And true intimacy, the exchange of affection between two people who are not lying, is transforming.
We don’t think much about how our love stories will affect the world, but they do. Children learn what’s worth living for and what’s worth dying for by the stories they watch us live. I want to teach our children how to get scary close, and more, how to be brave. I want to teach them that love is worth what it costs.