The story of life – of your life, of my life – is hard to speak about sometimes, because you never know from what perspective others are looking at it from.
I always feel like I should tip-toe…
For out of determinism, I am not sure that anything more than hedonism is called for, and even if you disagree with me, it is not easy to see why one subjective morality is more significant than another’s.
But what if life is not about you?
What if there is something more?
And maybe even “good” is indeed “good” – regardless of what you or I think and say.
See, I believe that a life of nihilism and hedonism, in the long-run, brings nothing but emptiness and hurt.
Understand: The more you lose yourself, the happier you will be.
You matter. Please tell your story.
Those who realize the epic story of life is not about them but actually about the people around them somehow win in the end. It’s counterintuitive, but it’s true. In fact, leaders who think the story of life is all about them may achieve temporary successes but are usually remembered in history’s narrative as a villain.
-Donald Miller, Building A StoryBrand