I would like to start a series of posts interviewing people I know that spent time living in Saudi Arabia.
Selfishly, I want this documented for posterity.
If you are not part of the Taif Academy / Al-Gaim Compound group on Facebook, you need to at least be vouched for by someone in that group.
Think three degrees of separation.
As usual, I will list each post here as I finish it.
Here are the questions:
Who are you? And when/why did you live in Saudi Arabia? For how long?
What town/compound in Saudi Arabia did you live in? What was it like? Paint me a small picture.
What are one or two typical scenes from Saudi Arabia that you never encounter any more (You can list more if you want.)?
What was available in Saudi Arabia, that you wish was available where you live now?
For twice your current salary, would you go live somewhere in Saudi Arabia with your family today? Why or why not?
What do most people get wrong about Saudi Arabia?
What about Saudi Arabia would you most like to convey to other people that will never go there?
What are two or three of your favorite memories of Saudi Arabia (Or more.)?
What do you not miss about Saudi Arabia?
Anything else you would like to say that I missed? Oh, and from your time in Saudi, do you have a favorite airline? Why was it awesome?
I don’t plan on going anywhere with this blogging thing.
So think about your answers.
What might your kids or grandkids want to know?
What do you want to tell them?
Feel free to write as little, or as much, as you wish for each question.
Paste answers in an email.
No attachments.
Email to: sterlingATsterlingterrellDOTnet