But here is the catch, the window to subscribe will only be open until 10:00 PM, Sunday, the 24th of July.
After that, registration will be closed for at least a few months.
Below is the last complimentary edition.
Price Picture
Chart Source: Barchart.com
Trend Picture
Chart Source: Barchart.com
Mar-17 is at: 74.19 Volume = 3,585
May-17 is at: 73.88 Volume = 450
Recently, on 1,340 bales traded, the trading platform TheSeam.com reported an average cash price of approximately: 67.27.
On the nearby contract, that puts the average basis at approximately: –7.01 points.
Cash prices are averaging approximately 15.04 cents over loan value.
Current India Balance Sheet (2016/2017)