[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
To make a sale, sometimes the customer just needs a compelling reason to agree.
And, if truth be told, the reason does not always have to be all that compelling.This is important when someone already wants to be sold, or is on the fence.
Simply giving someone a reason though is not going to persuade someone who is already set against you.
Don’t waste your time with those people.
I mean, I may kind of want a glass of lemonade.
But if your sign says: “Because you didn’t even realize you needed a cold glass.”
Well, I may have to stop and get one.
PERSUASION TIP 31: If you are trying to get a decision from someone who is on the fence but leaning in your direction, try a “fake because” to give them “permission” to agree with you. The reason you offer doesn’t need to be a good one. Any “fake because” will work when people are looking for a reason to move your way.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly