[This is part of the series: 31 Persuasion Tips That I Learned From Scott Adams]
Displaying Confidence works?
Intuitively, that sounds right.
I mean, just look at your personal experience.
How many people did you first perceive as maybe a cocky-blowhard – only to soon think “well, maybe they do know what they are talking about.”
The difference is easily seen in picturing two people.
They look the same, dress the same and say the same thing – the only difference is that one is insecure and unsure of everything, and the other is self-assured and assertive.
Whether you want to or not, you will be naturally drawn to the second person.
Because confidence is persuasive.
PERSUASION TIP 9: Display confidence (either real or faked) to improve your persuasiveness. You have to believe yourself, or at least appear as if you do, in order to get anyone else to believe.
-Scott Adams, Win Bigly